Sunday, March 27, 2016

The Guest (Game Review) and More!

Here we go.
Banner sized picture.

Anywho, today I wanted to talk aboot The guest.

Actually before that, I'd like to recap on my week.

It was an okay week.

Okay, back to the review.

Actually, before that, I want to talk about Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice.

It was an okay movie. Just kidding.

This movie was poor. I can't believe it took me this long (a day) to decide on my own personal opinion on this, but my feelings were pretty negative. Honestly, I wanted to skip on this movie and just read rotten tomato reviews, but my friend dragged me along for the ride and boy was it a draaaaag. 
None of the scenes were cohesive at all. Transitions between one moment to another were a mess. Imagine shooting a movie, right? Cool, it's time to take it to post. Slap it in sony vegas tonight and call it a day, you've earned yourself a wank session. Come back the next moment and you find out that a toddler (Zack Snyder) has jumped on your computer and decided the movie's fate! And nothing makes sense!
Too proud is he to let you change it up! You just smile and nod and post it on Youtube for the world to see, regardless of the impending harsh criticism of your peers and strangers on the internet!

And that's what happened to my home videos and career as a director. 

But Zack Snyder then grew up to be an asshole! Who fucked up Batman vs. Superman! Wow man have some chill! 

Scene to scene, nothing lasts more than a minute. Really. Check it out. This is the outcome of stuffing anything and everything you could into a movie. The 'impactful' moments of the trailer? Snuffed. They had NO impact in the movie at all. Lex Luthor's character is absolutely poor. Who tries to come off as crazy becoming more crazy is just plain awkward. Jesse Eisenberg :( Shame on you. BUT Ben Affleck? He destroys Batman's character. Stern, decisive, and thoughtful, Ben was the opposite. I'm not sure what he thought of as Batman's character, but he decided to act like a plank for most of the movie. Also what the fuck, just throw in more DC characters why don't you. I get that Marvel is ahead of the game, but you really don't need to play catch up to be a great franchise. Still, there were some really good scenes. Batman's parents being killed? I am not being facetious, it was very well shot and the trauma on the kid's face was pretty accurate to how a kid would go about that scene. The ending was really good, too, where the whole team finally gets together for a pretty rompous fight. The banter was playful, and the fight scene was very well made. The rest of the movie is just gloomy and broody, like the other DC movies. Honestly, this would be a terrific direction to take these movies, I would not mind it at all. Too bad the rest of the movie just blew. Introducing Wonder Woman and the rest of the League later would have been better for me, rather than sprinkling them through out the movie. Please, if for the sake of the movie, don't forshadow the fucking sequel for two hours. Focus on the actual plot and deliver something memorable you fucking twat. 


Oh yeah, the game. 

The guest is cool. 

The end.

Just kidding though. 

The game is basically a first person point and click adventure. Think of one of those escape room games in real life, and put it into a game perspective. If you haven't been to an escape room, I recommend it. It's actually pretty fun, and sometimes you get matched with a group of randoms. Making friends has never been this awkward and suffocating before!
Still prreeeetty cool.

Anywho, storywise, it's okay. Pretty neat things happen, and you wonder who you are the whole time. But you find out eventually. That's pretty much it.

Uh, soundwise, nothing really memorable. 

Gameplay, holy shit some parts were absolutely frustrating. Fucking forest dream maze bullshit, and some of the puzzles will need a walkthrough. And then some are so blatant and trivial. The difference between the difficulty ramps is frustrating at times. BUT, for the puzzles that are really difficult, solving them yourself feels so damn satisfying. I'll give it that.

Score? uh
Despite my heavy bitching, I view the game in a positive light. Really, I do. 

(*)Got my testing done! Yay!
(x)Uh, will do tonight I promise.

Next Week
*Will get back to working out, work out with gym guys at least once, and go running at least once
*Get college transcript electronically sent to UH
*Release a new video


As always, thanks for reading. With much love, Bryan out.
Leave some love by +1'ing this! Or commenting. Either or.

See you later, space cowboy 

Monday, March 21, 2016

A Little Bit of Magic

This week I haven't been doing too much. As far as media goes, I kept it to a couple of games that I played and actually finished this time around.

A little sad for me, but I did get some much needed gaming in. That's pretty much my spring break in a nut shell.

Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight

A game by Bombservice, Brazilian developer for the rest of the series. Each game has been better than the last, and I feel that Momodora:RUtM is easily my favorite. After giving the Momo4 a shot, I downloaded and bought the rest. Every game has it's own flavor; definitely worth giving Momo2 a shot atleast, it's one of the free ones in the series.

I'll be writing about six differe- hold on, let me check my reference- Yeah, yeah, so according to this page I just googled, I should be writing about six different aspects. Sound, Graphics, Gameplay, Replay Value(?), and Story.

This game's sound design is nectar for your ears.
But really, the sound is okay. I didn't find a song that I didn't like. The problem there is that there wasn't a particular song that stood out for me. It was all sort of just background noise. Fighting the bosses, there wasn't one sweet track that made that boss fight super memorable, or a moment in the game that wasn't aided by a satisfying sou- actually, smacking people with your maple leaf is pretty satisfying, I can't lie. Other than that, pretty average. If you haven't played a Momo game before, the maple leaf bit will make sense, I promise.

Pixel art. I know what you're thinking. I LOVE OVERUSED PIXEL ART GAMES THAT GO FOR NOSTALGIA INSTEAD OF SOMETHING ORIGINAL. Yeah, my thoughts exactly, but it's really pretty. Animations are really smooth, grass sways, and characters are alive. All of this makes the game feel really organic. The game has strong Cave Story influence, which most of the time is a good thing, and the backgrounds portray the world in a way that makes it seem like there's more to the world than it seems; something I see in Dark Souls as well.
If you've played a Souls game, then you know what to expect. A button to swing weapon, jump, pop item, jump, and use ranged. At first I thought this was a drawback, but as I progressed, the gameplay really shined for me; also influencing are Metroidvania games. This helped tremendously I believe. Without the sense of progress, the two weapons given from the start and ending with them would be really boring. Multiple pickups can be found; lots of secret little nooks, too that rewarded exploration. Although that just meant I swung my maple leaf at whatever unfortunate wall comes within a block away. Something to also note are the items; some items are more notable than others, and some of these really good items are sold and given higher price tags. For myself, I would have preferred that every item to be still viable and to be better suited to my play style, as was intended by the developer. Instead, I ended up opting for the incense and poison arrows that maximized DPS. There were a few items that would make the game different: low health, higher damage, magic items, items that would give arrows pierce; though when knockback was so high from incense that it would knock all the enemies into spikes, or kills everything in 2-3 hits, I decided it was my best option. Unless I was doing some kind of unique run, I defaulted to that. Besides that, the game plays really well. 2d Platformer Souls-like gameplay, responsive controls are in and a must for this kind of game, and collecting items and fighting bosses is wacky fun. Just wacky zany fun.

Replay Value
The game's length is probably 5-6 hours long. Midlength game, but for the price and the amount of entertainment, it's definitely worth the normal pricetag. The short length makes it pretty ideal for a Let's Play, and also bolsters +NG. If you play through new game plus, you can easily get a few more runs through out of the game. There are some events that you can do differently in the game, which doesn't change the story, but does effect NPC stories. Lots of secrets in the levels, and bits of information to collect and piece together a story.

The story is about a priestess from a town called Lun who has come to cleanse the land by talking to the Queen. She wields a blessed maple leaf and a bow and arrow. From the outside, that's pretty much what it seems. The inside, though.. Yeah, same thing. However, in Souls-like tradition, the items give a bit more depth. For a game of this length, however, I couldn't expect the story to be all too complex. Although a lot of the characters were pretty neat. Items won in boss fights or given by an NPC give interesting hints as to who the character is. Turns out boss was actually good guy, or sword is from royalty. I actually really liked the story. Nothing that stands out in particular, but I like the depth given to some of my favorite characters and the setting is really interesting.

The game does good at what it tries to do. A metroidvania styled platformer with Souls influence tying it down together in a neat, challenging package. My first actual game review, so I felt that all I did was complain, but the game is really good. I wasn't too compelled to play through NG+ because I'm lazy, but the experience and trying to 100% the map is still pretty fun. Momodora RUtM is up there with my favorite platformers now, and maybe one day I'll have the motivation to do a challenge run. One day.

AND THAT'S IT. Maybe I'll do this in video format next time.
Goals for next week:
Finish up testing and essay
Record another video
Uhh? I finished up everything else to be honest

Also this:
And that's really it.
Thanks again guys, much love.

Monday, March 14, 2016

A Death Parade

Last weekend, I checked out an anime. That's right.

It's called Erased.

witty caption and thnx crunchyroll
My thoughts on it? Longer than I anticipated. After the 2nd time coming back and getting his shit together, I honestly thought the show was done. Not to say it's bad; no, almost every episode was very enjoyable. The first episode was slow at first, but the intrigue and at the same time my interest piqued. Seriously, the creators have dabbled in the art of cliff hanging, as every episode almost always transitions smoothly into the next. I only recently checked this anime out from a friend's recommendation, but thought the idea was way too Encyclopedia Brown.

I'm glad I was wrong. Very glad. The show has a strong story; at no point did I feel that I was really burnt out from marathon'ing the show till' 5 in the morning. The main character could use some work, though. At points I find it weird he says some of the things he does because of who he really is, but I suppose it's a culture thing. I mean, yeah sure man she's twelve, but say whatever you want I guess. It scares me a little since he's 29 and the things he's genuinely feeling for her are flag raising. From what I've watched, which is up to episode 9 now, the story still has a lot going for it.

Overall, really enjoyable. There are no pauses in the tension, but my interest in events that would follow are too damn high to give a shit. Usually a show would suffer if you don't give it a low in between the highs, but I suppose that can be overcome if you have a show with so much intrigue.

Besides that, I'd like to touch on something western for a change.
I want this as a movie poster now.
10 Cloverfield Lane is the sleeper hit of 2016. Seriously, I almost vomited when I saw the trailer when I was watching Deadpool. I thought to myself, HOLY DRAMA FILLED NUCLEAR BUNKER MOVIE BATMAN, THIS SHIT IS GONNA BE HY- Cloverfield? Cloverfield. That word scared me. I'm not a big fan of vomit inducing found footage films. They tend to go off on the tangent that the mystery and intrigue will suffice for the budget decisions and leaving viewers completely confused as to what the fuck is actually going on. Luckily, having seen the movie now, I am completely colored. Colored surprised that is.

The movie has little to nothing to do with the 2 hour filming of a giant dildo taking over a city that was the predecessor.  I mean, that's what it was right? I didn't get to see what it looks like so I let my imagination do the work.

My imagination happened to be filled with dildos.

No. Instead, you literally do not have to acknowledge the previous movie to get your bearings in with the new one. In fact, I encourage not seeing it. Seriously, the twist is so good, and I can only imagine the face of viewers who have no idea what Cloverfield is. Thanks J.J.

Props to the casting. John Goodman plays a really creepy guy. So well that I must question his stance on Japanese laws regarding pornography. Seeing him in this movie, and then another, it's really hard to tell who he is. Great transition from jolly football coach dad to 'Wanna see the inside of my closet' conspiracy shut in. Mary Winstead is also new waifu.

Apart from a few questionable lines of robotic dialogue, the movie was really well made. To make a movie with just three people, and have so many interesting things happen between them in claustrophobic environment was tense. I honestly could not stop watching.

I bet none of you fuckers saw that ending coming. What everyone thought to be nuclear bunker drama turned out to be a super badass origin story for an alien rebellion fighters. I loved the irony of Howard's paranoia and Michelle finding out the truth. I had to laugh at that.

If you're into claustrophobic nuclear doomsday bunker drama or just have it in for Mary Winstead, I definitely cannot recommend this movie enough. J.J. Abrams, good job sir. What a glorious ending to the movie,  I cannot wait for part 2.

And finally..

okay, admittedly I am a year late to this party. BUT WHAT A HOMECOMING. My dog just sighed at me for playing this OP for the tenth time in the last hour.


From what starts off with a seemingly misleading OP, the show settles in with a grim atmosphere. Two. Always two. A pair that have died off at the same time show up at Quindecim and the bartender makes judgement through the use of games that expose the darker side of humanity.

The show will continue to have this format for all of the following episodes right up to the finale. Really, you don't have to watch them all. You can watch almost all of the episodes individually and you'll still get the gist, as they all have separate stories. Although for the underlying main one, you'll wanna buckle up for the whole thing. Worth the price of admission. Whatever your price is, that is.

WATCH! As human emotions are tested. Situations that would make you think 'what would I have done?' Rules that set up the framework for the show are broken!

The characters aren't as fun as they seem in the intro, but they do at least have depth. Seemingly stone faced Decim acknowledges the complexity and simplicity of humans, Chiyuki is faced with an ultimatum and finds out the weight of human life through several judgements. The parts that shone for me are still the themes. Philosophical and sometimes just practical themes. It's all here.

And finally the final and recurring theme. That life is fleeting, and we only acknowledge that we're living only when we're dead. It's really cool. Now the upbeat and jazzed up OP finally fits. A pleasant reminder to live in the present. Tomorrow is not a guarantee. Not to beat on an oversaid and overly exhausted bush here, but memento mori. You will someday die. But take that in a good way.

Overall, it's a good watch if you enjoy a show with a bunch of studly bartenders or you like asking yourself questions of morality. Although it's a little weird it only took around three cases to have Decim's solid no human emotion foundation to be shattered, I'm sure there's a time lapse somewhere in there.

I recommend it.

It's time to get everybody and the stuff together, ok 3 2 1 lets go

Playing it by ear again. Honestly, I am burning myself out.


but come back next week. also check out this video.
and subscribe if you like it. or dont like it. just subscribe you manimal heathen.


See you later guys. Much love.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Anime Matsuri 2016: SFV Beat a Pro Event - My Time as a Volunteer

I was going to be a little more subtle about this, maybe sneak it into the post, but fuck it.

I WENT TO ANIME MATSURI in Houston!!! AS A VOLUNTEER! It was possibly the greatest time of my life. Before you go judging that my life must be pretty sad, at least get into the meat of what I have to say first before you judge the dish! 

It all started here.
I was offered a chance to work with my good friend at an event called Street Fighter V: Beat a Pro. The gist of it was that we flew a Japanese Street Fighter pro over and he sat down and played anyone who payed 5 dollars at a chance to win a copy of Street Fighter V. If you don't win, you still have the money you pay donated to Texas Children's Hospital, as well as getting entered into a raffle for free stuff. It was really fun; I met a lot of people who knew they weren't going to win, but entered anyways to donate. My heart grew 3 sizes larger that day.
 sure is
empty in here
It was surreal. The whole experience I mean. Watching a convention build itself from the ground up was a sight to see; From empty giant warehouse to a warehouse full of life and lots of merchandise. It was awesome. Day One my friend Ethan and I met up with the heads of some of the departments there and we had helped the logistics team bring in sets for cosplay photography. It was interesting seeing a whole team of people bring in what looked like walls and pieces of a castle. 
Pictured here is SFV Beat a Pro Prototype A. My good friend Ethan and I waited around until our translator, Dane, got their. Really cool guy. When we finally got to meet Tonpy around a whole hour after he was scheduled to, we decided to do 'button tests'. Namely just dicking around and setting up SFV to play some rounds. Not pictured above is Tonpy bodying everyone. Oh, also he gave us Green Tea Kit-Kats from Japan. Really nice fella. Also saw a bunch of Japanese guests running around that day in the hotel.
My friend explicitly looking at me after finding out our dinners will not be covered for by Anime Matsuri. Also Dane and Tonpy.
 I believe there were 145 dollar choices on the menu, but for some reason only took a picture of these.

Afterwards, we went out for dinner at this place called Three Forks. We didn't really choose the place, but my friend and I tagged along for the ride. This is one of those places where it's assumed the patrons will be sipping on liquid gold, so they have wine glasses set on the table just for that. Oh! I didn't mention that we were also eating out with three of the Japanese guests. An animation group called MADHOUSE, with two of the members sitting with us; the storyboard artist and character designer. Insanely cool people. As well as RamRider, a Japanese DJ, and Tonpy of course, our guest for SFV Beat a Pro. IT WAS CRAZY MAN. I'm not sure how everyone else was taking it, but I was sort of freaking out. Three celeb figures from Japan, and I, some kid from a rural town, eating overpriced 90 dollar steaks with them! Is this real life? Or is this just fantasy? Besides our guests, our other lovely friends Dane, Rei, and Jasmine were sitting with us as well. I sat on the end with all the Japanese guests, and oh boy the language barrier was real that night. Although we did get some words across in the end, and we talked mainly about video games and anime lmao. They showed me some of their drawings for Death Parade, which I recently checked out.
a sneaky peaky at our hotel roomy
Afterwards we just went back to our hotel, and that was the end of Day One. Day Two consisted of spending literally all morning putting up a huge projector screen. The result of being behind schedule by a few hours, it took 4 other volunteers and I to finally get it up and functioning. The only thing it needed was an actual projector. Of course, right? 
pictured above is one of AnimeMatsuri's seven marvels. 
LOOK AT THAT BASTARD. The saddest part being is that we built it, but it saw no use that day. It idly sat that mockingly, 5 hours of labor laid to ruin. Despite my heavy bitching, I did get the meet some other volunteers that day, so it was awesome. Oh, and that prototype of the booth we had? We made a few adjustments and set up 4 TVs and setups with Street Fighter V. Had a lot of people coming by on first day; got to know a few as well. Even ran into this guy.
That's right. Brolylegs and his brother came by. The hypest Chun to ever Chun. It was so cool seeing this man at work. I even got a to play a few matches; immediately bodied me. Before our first match, I even told him how I felt. "Oh shit, I'm scared." He reassured me and said, "Don't be scared." Wow. 
It was still a really cool experience. His brother is really good as well. A Nash player, although I didn't get to play him. :(
Afterwards, I just watched the booth for a good while until my bud Ethan came back. Afterwards I sort of just chilled around. 
im not sure what this is or was
At around 12 that night, I was told there was a Nerdlesque. A burlesque for nerds. I've never heard of the word burlesque, but boy was I in for a pleasant surprise. The whole thing was dirty jokes and strip teasing, with lots of game references and stuff. Best night ever; hearts and nuts were stolen. Stella Chu still has my heart. Breakfast cosplay. <3 Oh, and also met this random guy from the area who knew a lot about the performers. Even knew some of the performers personally, as he frequents their burlesque. I thought that was sort of random and coincidental. They actually have a place in Houston, but I couldn't tell you where. I sat with him, but I couldn't remember his name for the life of me, I'm sorry gent! Afterwards I believe is when we went to get some ice cream. We went to a shop recommended to us by a waiter. It was cool; Tonpy, Ethan, Dane, and I sat down for some scoops and chatted about how America gets way more ice cream than Japan does in their scoops. I wish I took a picture of it.

Afterwards, after the storm came the calm. I happened to catch a rare sight of the hotel. Empty, and not a soul in sight. Really different from the humdrum of its usual caterers, so I decided to at least capture this for myself and for you as well. Nice, right? It's at the Hilton, which I should've mentioned but whatever. Went back to the hotel and went back to sleep for the next day. 

some oraora cosplay, the gender bend Joseph is godlike
After getting back to our booth, we started to set up. It takes us five minutes when we don't have to set up TVs and TV stands. During the early morning break before we actually opened up the shop, a couple of vendors popped by. A gentlemen by the name of James Ghio aka Jimbobox, his girlfriend, and this really awesome artist who I can't remember the name of but I'm thinking it's Rudy (I'm sorry man, I really do hope you find this blog by some intervention of god) came by to play some Street Fighter. Jimbobox did some art for the UDON, the guys who do the Street Fighter comics, and Rudy is straight badass. After playing a few matches, Rudy wanted some runbacks, so I told him I'd be waiting. Ah man, if only we got them. Hey man, if you're reading this, I'm still waiting. My fighter ID is priv_bryan. Also, I'm eternally grateful for the One Punch Man print, I can't read your signature at all lmao. 
After, we went and saw a concert..
After the day settled down, and we finally got to cool down time, my friend told me there was going to be a concert, and Tonpy is more than on board for that. 
Morning Musume
Tonpy turns out to be a big Morning Musume fan. I asked my boss man if I could go with, and he agreed to let me. Sadly Ethan couldn't be with us, but he at least got to see it. BUT NOT AT THE FRONT WITH ME AND TONPY. AHAHHAHA sorry. Actually, I wasn't at the front at first. But I did strike a conversation with a man who is from Chicago. He's actually very Scottish, as his accent is apparently heavy. He's told me that he once went to Golden Week in Japan (Sometime in April) and saw 20 Morning Musume concerts. We three talked a bit more, and I told him this was actually my first concert ever, besides classical ones. He was very surprised. When the concert started..

 is this real life wow
He pushed me to the front. This was seriously as anime as it gets, as I turned around and he told me, "This is your first concert, and you're going to be at the front!" At this point in my life, I just had to ask myself, "Am I in some sort of show? Is this real life?" As I thought this to myself, the lights began to flash, and Morning Musume came out with their first song. What a show. Everyone was lively. All our souls combined into one idol worshiping machine and this machine was oiled up! That was the worst metaphor I could possibly pull out of the bag, but I felt it! My good friend Tonpy felt it, too. He knew all the words, and swung his glow stick in all the right ways. Also, he told me in Japan, they couldn't take pictures or videos during concerts. I thought this was strange. Even more interesting is Tonpy taking a million pictures during the concert. It was pretty funny to watch. Also he chanted USA on the bits where Morning Musume was wearing an American flag. It was glorious to watch. As I was watching and shouting and embarrassing myself, there was a camera rolling around the front of the audience. Look for me on the special features of Morning Musume '16 at Houston. 


Afterwards, around 12, there was a rave that night. It featured RamRider, and it was certainly LIVELY. It fucking rocked. I only remember one other instance where I could feel the bass through my whole body, and this is the most memorable one. He did a lot of remixes on songs from video games and anime that night. It was super chill. He did a song with Ken's Theme from Street Fighter, the main theme of Final Fantasy, among others. I faintly remember the Cowboy Bebop OP song too. Besides that, he also played music from his own album, Audio Galaxy. Here's a single he did, I couldn't find anything from Audio Galaxy. But really, listen to his stuff. It's great. I really loved Goodbye. Besides good music, there were a shit load of dance offs and congo lines. Is this what people do at raves? Jesus Christ,  I cannot handle this many congo lines.
Afterwards we went back to the hotel. Found out we had a new roomie as well. Stephen I believe was his name, but really interesting cat. He had ordered some Chinese, but couldn't stomach any food because of a food virus. I hope you're feeling better bud! We had a lot of good times roomie, and by a lot I mean one night! Oh yeah, the day after, guess who came to see us..
pictured is the projector actually being used. It drew crowds man, modern marvel.

Okay, he didn't come for us, but he did come by us. Anywho, he went to the booth to play against Tonpy. Ram Rider himself. Look how trendy he is with his weird cat shirt. He mashed pretty hard, but it was funny to watch. The motion blue on Ram Rider's hands were cranked up to 10 man. Afterwards, Mark, who ran another convention dropped by as well. Also, we're up to Sunday now, the last day of the convention. Afterwards, Ethan, Dane, and I just chilled while we let volunteers watch the booth. We went over to the arcade being hosted on the other side and played a few rounds. I unfortunately do not have footage of my friend Dane playing, but he is a godlike rhythm game player. He does not play osu, but he plays literally everything else. He's usually top 5 in the leader boards for music games and no I am not making this man up. He's in the .4% of the leader boards for Puzzles and Dragons, and is a lowkey god damn genius. Like what the fuck Dane, show off a bit more man. You deserve it. Anywho, last day we chilled and Dane accompanied me around the convention and gave me pro tips, which I will share with you today. 
1. Don't buy shit at a convention unless you know it's rare. 
Most of the stuff will be marked up at weeaboo pricing, so be wary! A lot of the merch besides t-shirts and stuff can be bought online for cheap; lots of figures can be won for about 100 yen in Japan in crane games. We don't have that, so use Amazon.
2. Be careful with Eroge purchases, some of them are only an hour long.
I don't know this from personal experience, but I heard that if you go to an eroge shop there, only buy what will be worth your money. 
And that's it. Just be careful I guess for a tl;dr. Besides convention tips, my friend Dane was sharing some life stories. Teachers told him he couldn't learn Japanese, and he a good chunk of his life proving them wrong. It was a bit longer than that, but I do keep that story close to my heart. 
Besides that, we finally wrapped up the convention and was invited to staff only dinner. Look at this dish. Does it not look like you can just buy the ingredients at an HEB for 10 dollars and serve it up? It was delicious nonetheless, though. Just surprisingly simple. During dinner, my friend Dane and I talked to Tonpy and taught him dem fighting words. "I will body you all" and "You are all free." Tonpy jokingly said he will get on the microphone and say those very words at Evo2k16. Praise based god, let this happen. 

The day after, Monday, we spend the morning saying our goodbyes to everyone. We even got some Japanese barbecue on the way back. A first for me, it was really interesting cooking the meat in front of you. Very efficient. My fingers are getting tired of typing.


Merch. I got me a Senjougohara Hitagi figure, a Street Fighter Ryu shirt, a Hori Stick, two mangas, and a One Punch Man print that I will treasure forever. As well as a picture with Bryan Tee.

I swear I'm missing a lot of things here, but the stuff I haven't written down here were just as memorable. Besides the sweet merch, I've been given so many memories that I will no doubt remember for the rest of my life. Thank you Anime Matsuri, all the volunteers, and everyone who came. The times I've shared with you all are my favorite take homes from the con.

Also we raised $2000 dollars for the charity, booya!

I'm tired of writing, so I'll end this now. 

I've watched an anime or two, but I'll save it for next week. ;)

*Applied for UT
(x)Working on the LP
*Did some marketing (no really i did)
*Transfer Day at the college made this easy
(x)Two pounds is hard. I lost a pound
(x)Did not get two runs, but got one
*Finished quiz
*Watched some Ergo Proxy
*Did some of Yakuza 5
*Worked a little on the english lyrics

Next Week:
*I'm taking a break! ^^' Playing it by ear this time. I'll give ya an actual list next time.

And that's it. Thank you to anyone who read this far; it means a lot to me. Thanks to anyone who even looked at this, it means a lot to me. Infinite thank yous. See you next week, space cowboy. Bryan out.