Monday, March 14, 2016

A Death Parade

Last weekend, I checked out an anime. That's right.

It's called Erased.

witty caption and thnx crunchyroll
My thoughts on it? Longer than I anticipated. After the 2nd time coming back and getting his shit together, I honestly thought the show was done. Not to say it's bad; no, almost every episode was very enjoyable. The first episode was slow at first, but the intrigue and at the same time my interest piqued. Seriously, the creators have dabbled in the art of cliff hanging, as every episode almost always transitions smoothly into the next. I only recently checked this anime out from a friend's recommendation, but thought the idea was way too Encyclopedia Brown.

I'm glad I was wrong. Very glad. The show has a strong story; at no point did I feel that I was really burnt out from marathon'ing the show till' 5 in the morning. The main character could use some work, though. At points I find it weird he says some of the things he does because of who he really is, but I suppose it's a culture thing. I mean, yeah sure man she's twelve, but say whatever you want I guess. It scares me a little since he's 29 and the things he's genuinely feeling for her are flag raising. From what I've watched, which is up to episode 9 now, the story still has a lot going for it.

Overall, really enjoyable. There are no pauses in the tension, but my interest in events that would follow are too damn high to give a shit. Usually a show would suffer if you don't give it a low in between the highs, but I suppose that can be overcome if you have a show with so much intrigue.

Besides that, I'd like to touch on something western for a change.
I want this as a movie poster now.
10 Cloverfield Lane is the sleeper hit of 2016. Seriously, I almost vomited when I saw the trailer when I was watching Deadpool. I thought to myself, HOLY DRAMA FILLED NUCLEAR BUNKER MOVIE BATMAN, THIS SHIT IS GONNA BE HY- Cloverfield? Cloverfield. That word scared me. I'm not a big fan of vomit inducing found footage films. They tend to go off on the tangent that the mystery and intrigue will suffice for the budget decisions and leaving viewers completely confused as to what the fuck is actually going on. Luckily, having seen the movie now, I am completely colored. Colored surprised that is.

The movie has little to nothing to do with the 2 hour filming of a giant dildo taking over a city that was the predecessor.  I mean, that's what it was right? I didn't get to see what it looks like so I let my imagination do the work.

My imagination happened to be filled with dildos.

No. Instead, you literally do not have to acknowledge the previous movie to get your bearings in with the new one. In fact, I encourage not seeing it. Seriously, the twist is so good, and I can only imagine the face of viewers who have no idea what Cloverfield is. Thanks J.J.

Props to the casting. John Goodman plays a really creepy guy. So well that I must question his stance on Japanese laws regarding pornography. Seeing him in this movie, and then another, it's really hard to tell who he is. Great transition from jolly football coach dad to 'Wanna see the inside of my closet' conspiracy shut in. Mary Winstead is also new waifu.

Apart from a few questionable lines of robotic dialogue, the movie was really well made. To make a movie with just three people, and have so many interesting things happen between them in claustrophobic environment was tense. I honestly could not stop watching.

I bet none of you fuckers saw that ending coming. What everyone thought to be nuclear bunker drama turned out to be a super badass origin story for an alien rebellion fighters. I loved the irony of Howard's paranoia and Michelle finding out the truth. I had to laugh at that.

If you're into claustrophobic nuclear doomsday bunker drama or just have it in for Mary Winstead, I definitely cannot recommend this movie enough. J.J. Abrams, good job sir. What a glorious ending to the movie,  I cannot wait for part 2.

And finally..

okay, admittedly I am a year late to this party. BUT WHAT A HOMECOMING. My dog just sighed at me for playing this OP for the tenth time in the last hour.


From what starts off with a seemingly misleading OP, the show settles in with a grim atmosphere. Two. Always two. A pair that have died off at the same time show up at Quindecim and the bartender makes judgement through the use of games that expose the darker side of humanity.

The show will continue to have this format for all of the following episodes right up to the finale. Really, you don't have to watch them all. You can watch almost all of the episodes individually and you'll still get the gist, as they all have separate stories. Although for the underlying main one, you'll wanna buckle up for the whole thing. Worth the price of admission. Whatever your price is, that is.

WATCH! As human emotions are tested. Situations that would make you think 'what would I have done?' Rules that set up the framework for the show are broken!

The characters aren't as fun as they seem in the intro, but they do at least have depth. Seemingly stone faced Decim acknowledges the complexity and simplicity of humans, Chiyuki is faced with an ultimatum and finds out the weight of human life through several judgements. The parts that shone for me are still the themes. Philosophical and sometimes just practical themes. It's all here.

And finally the final and recurring theme. That life is fleeting, and we only acknowledge that we're living only when we're dead. It's really cool. Now the upbeat and jazzed up OP finally fits. A pleasant reminder to live in the present. Tomorrow is not a guarantee. Not to beat on an oversaid and overly exhausted bush here, but memento mori. You will someday die. But take that in a good way.

Overall, it's a good watch if you enjoy a show with a bunch of studly bartenders or you like asking yourself questions of morality. Although it's a little weird it only took around three cases to have Decim's solid no human emotion foundation to be shattered, I'm sure there's a time lapse somewhere in there.

I recommend it.

It's time to get everybody and the stuff together, ok 3 2 1 lets go

Playing it by ear again. Honestly, I am burning myself out.


but come back next week. also check out this video.
and subscribe if you like it. or dont like it. just subscribe you manimal heathen.


See you later guys. Much love.

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