Sunday, June 5, 2016

06/05/2016: Heroes

I am brought before you today to write this blog post today about this movie I just watched today.

Having been reminded of this through constant angst-city reminiscing, I remembered this certain movie through a certain someone praising it upon seeing it with friends.

Going through somewhat of a turbulence right now in my life, I thought I'd check it out to get some cool coming-of-agey thoughts out of the movie.

Holy shit! Finding a picture I can 'borrow' from the internet, and all I'm treated to is a wall of fucking facebook posts! I do not give a fuck! Hold on! Okay fuck it

I watched 'The Perks of Being a Wallflower." I know what you're thinking. Uncookedsooshi, are you actually a thirteen year old girl who posts lyrics on facebooks while hinting at her gnawing angst?

I had to look in the mirror myself to make sure I wasn't, but no I am a 23 year old male with neckbeard and an overtly large steam game collection trust me I am the opposite. I hope.

Anywho, the movie starts out with almost Michael Cera finishing middle school and entering high school where all the other almost-vaguely-resembling-adults highschoolers attend as well.

Ok, I'm being harsh. I actually like the movie. The dialogue was stiff, but I suppose that's the result of adapting a novel from the 1990's. Lots of memorable lines, resulting in tandems of tumblr gifs after another quoting the damn thing.

The film does a wonderful job with cinematography. The setting is never explained, but you can definitely sense a 90's jive, and if not, honestly the setting is so vague that it works out in it's own favor. Absolutely timeless, and virtually always relevant. I actually had a hard time pinning the time the movie takes place, but I started to think that it really does not matter.

I fell kinda hard for the music. The same way I did for the Nice Guys soundtrack even. I suppose it's a nostalgia thing, but I also downloaded the soundtrack for this movie, which is made up entirely of tracks pre-90's and a few after. Reminds me of my younger days when my dad popped in a cassette into his Sony Walkman and gave me a listen. I hated it back then, but now I can really jam with the best. That is to say, I'm just getting old.

Perks of Being a Wallflower is a wonderful coming of age story for anyone that wants to relive the 90s and experience the melodrama of youth. This sounds negative but the movie does a well job of reminding me that although I thought my younger days were super totally awesome, I actually really sucked back then and it's good to come out with it now.

If you'll excuse me, I have a good, lengthy facebook post to share with the internet, and you better believe they're filled with song lyrics and subtle hints at my quarter life crisis.

Oh and besides that, I bought Senran Kagura. I'll post about it later though, but have a piccy
(x)I didn't get a chance to :p
(x)Still working on it lol
(x)Will go tonight
(*)Got it
(*)Signed up for ART at University of Houston

Next Week
*Go for some runs lol
*Talk to University of Houston Financial Aid Office
*Work on video

And that's it.
See you next week.

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