Tuesday, December 13, 2016

12/13/2016: Weeks

Christ, sorry for ignoring this site for so long.

Had finals coming up, and wanted to squeeze out that last bit of effort from my lifeless body.

But I'm back! Sort of, I have school in a few more weeks once again.

But of course, I always have time to post a lot of no effort blog posts with single images.

By the bizzle, Owlboy turned out to be okay. It tries a little hard too to be a game with surface level mechanics and than progressively deeper than allowed lore. It worked for a lot of other games and developed cult followings thereafter, we get it. It still feels forced, and it obviously did not work for the writer as the following for Owlboy has died down almost immediately after release. The game would have been fine if the story was more pronounced than initially presented. Collecting collectibles to find out more of the ~deep~ story is a meme.

Speaking of memes

I bought the meme station 4. I cannot wait for all those exclusives to start popping out in a year, Persona 5 in particular. Preordering the school bag edition foreal.

wow speaking of good cosplays

fuck these are perfect

okay bryan out

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